Echoes has been selected as one of’s Kindle Monthly Deals for December. This means that all month you’ll be able to pick up a copy on Kindle for just £0.99! Here’s a link to the product page.… Read more
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Echoes Wins Rubery ‘Book of the Year’
Echoes has just been named the 2016 International Rubery Book Award’s ‘Book of the Year’! Here’s what the judges had to say about it:
“A startlingly original book set in the world of computers, portraying socially awkward Mallory, who has a phobia of being touched that limits her ability to negotiate the world. She only feels comfortable with a computer keyboard in front of her, … Read more
Echoes Wins Rubery Book Award Category
Echoes has won the YA and Children’s Category of this year’s International Rubery Book Award! The judges said, “It is a startlingly original book. …[Echoes] is a rip-roaring, fast moving story, cleverly constructed and extremely exciting.” The overall ‘Book of the Year’, selected from the Category winners, will be announced in the next few weeks. To read more about the Award and the … Read more
Echoes Shortlisted for Rubery Book Award
Echoes has just been shortlisted in the YA and Children’s Category of this year’s International Rubery Book Award! Here is what the judges said about it:
“A startlingly original book set in the world of computers, portraying socially awkward Mallory, who has a phobia of being touched that limits her ability to negotiate the world. She only feels comfortable with a computer keyboard in front … Read more
Nitelife Magazine Interview
Nitelife magazine have just posted a new interview with Laura, talking about Echoes, The In-Between and writing influences. Have a read here.… Read more
Echoes Book Trailer
A new trailer has just been release for Laura’s novel Echoes! Filmed, designed and edited by Mike Butcher (who also created the Echoes book cover), the trailer also features new music by Laura.